Intro // Bio // Installations // Works
The work pursues the human place in the continuum of existence and ageing and examines practical and metaphysical questions raised by hydra* all the way from the 1700s to this day.
*Hydra vulgaris is a small fresh-water polyp that does not age – at all.
BIO: Maija Tammi (b. 1985) is a Finnish artist and Doctor of Arts, whose photographs and videos examine the liminal areas of disgust and fascination, science and art. She regularly collaborates with scientists and musicians. Tammi’s work has been exhibited extensively internationally, among others in Paris, Berlin, Rome, London, New York, Chicago, and Tokyo, and she has three published books. Tammi currently holds the title Artist Professor for the years 2020–2024.
Fotogalleri Vasli Souza
Damplassen 21
0852, Oslo
Opening hours:
Thursday – Friday:
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday:
12:00 am – 4:00 pm
Monday – Wednesday:
The gallery is kindly supported by:
Tor S. Ulstein :)
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