Karolina Wojtas (b. 1996) – is a photographer and visual artist. She studied at Film School Lodz and Institute of Creative Photography in the Czech Republic. She lives in a colorful world of experiment and endless fun. She draws from children’s fantasies and memories. Her inspiration can come from a mess in her grandfather’s garden or a huge slide. It is impossible to miss her exhibitions. They are sometimes covered with glitter or balloons - you can feel like a child in them - play, interact and scribble.
Two-time winner of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. She showed her works, among others, at exhibitions in Vienna, Bratislava, Beijing, Copenhagen and Amsterdam, where she won the ING Unseen Talent Award 2019 competition. In 2021 she was exhibited at Unseen Amsterdam and had a solo presentation during Paris Photo.
Fotogalleri Vasli Souza
Damplassen 21
0852, Oslo
Opening hours:
Thursday – Friday:
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday:
12:00 am – 4:00 pm
Monday – Wednesday:
The gallery is kindly supported by:
Tor S. Ulstein :)
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