Naevus Flammeus 

Linda Hansen

11.8 - 9.9.18



Naevus Flammeus, is Danish photographer Linda Hansen's most recent work. She completed the work over a period of three years, and the series contain portraits of men, women and children with birthmarks on their face or neck, known as port-wine stains. 

Linda Hansen has often been driven by minorities, the experience of individuality, and focused on the role of the eyes in photography. She has found her trademark in investigative photography with earlier series such as Life in Plastic and Linda Hansen. Here, by portraying a number of people with birthmarks and as a result also investigating and challenging the look that meets them. How long must you look at a person with a facial birthmark before you see the person, and not the mark?

The marks are due to a congenital developmental disorder in the skin's small vessels, and it is usually visible already at birth, which occurs in about 0.3% of all newborns. The appearance may have different shape and size, from a few millimeters to cover large areas of skin. A birthmark does not go away with age. Typically, it gradually becomes more significant.

At Vasli Souza, we will be showing for the first time in Sweden, the 36 portraits from the series Naevus Flammeus, as well as the closer up look of the actual Marks, shot with microscopic precision.  


Installation shots


Fotogalleri Vasli Souza
Damplassen 21
0852, Oslo

Opening hours:
Thursday – Friday:
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm 
Saturday – Sunday:
12:00 am – 4:00 pm  
Monday – Wednesday: 

The gallery is kindly supported by:
Tor S. Ulstein :)

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